VŠB-Technická univerzita Ostrava



May, 2007:
See the photos from Workshop!


The Department of Control Systems and Instrumentation
VŠB - Technical university of Ostrava

About the Seminar

The workshop is seen as a working forum for information exchange and discussion. Its format should therefore be set up as presentations by specialists as well as young researchers, followed by in-depth discussion according to the stated objectives. It is therefore necessary to invite both academic and industrial specialists as presenters. It is the intention to ensure that young researchers from both developed and developing economies are participating.

The overall theme of the workshop should be corporate information integration and support for Product Life-cycle Management (PLM). An emphasis will be on the development and use of Information Processing (IP) methods and techniques in order to emphasise the roles of the main sponsors of the event namely, VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Department of Control Systems and Instrumentation. and The Iternational Federation of Information Processing (IFIP).