Česká verze


Instruments and Control


The Department of Control Systems and Instrumentation at VSB - The Technical University of Ostrava

SmS VTSaP, The Committee of Applied Cybernetics and Informatics, Ostrava

DAAAM - Danube Adria Association for Automation and Metrology - Czech Republic

Czech Natioanal Committee IMECO

The contents of the page

The contents of the page:

About the Seminar

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Schedule of the XXIII. SEMINAR ASŘ´99

Competition STOČ'99 on April 28, 1999

800-900 Presentation of Participants for the STOČ'99 competition - Audiovisual room No. J259
900 STOČ'99 Opening
915-1230 Morning Specialist Program - STOČ Competition (4 sections)
1230-1300 Noon Break
1300-1630 Afternoon Specialist Program

Seminar ASŘ'99 on April 29, 1999

800-900 Presentation of Participants for Seminar ASŘ'99 - Audiovisual room No. J259
900 Seminar Opening
915-1230 Morning Specialist Program
1230-1300 Noon Break
1300-1630 Afternoon Specialist Program and Seminar Closing

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Instructions to the organization

ASŘ´99 Seminar will be held in two parts - on April 28, 1999 as a students' competition STOČ and on April 29, 1999 as Seminar ASŘ´99 in Audiovisual Classroom No. J259 on VŠB campus in Ostrava, ul. 17. listopadu, Ostrava - Poruba.
Participant's seminar fee: 550,- Kč
Costs connected with organizing the event, printed proceeding of annotations, the hole papers will be available on the internet

For this price we offer:

Participation on interesting lessonsbreaks with refreshmentscomplete book of contributions on wwwprinted list of annotationscontacts with interesting people
  1. Instructions on where to pay : bank account č.ú. 2701251-768/0800 of ČSPO Ostrava-Poruba, konst. symbol 0308, variab. symbol 499 (it will be for KAKI, SMS - branch 159, Ostrava).
  2. Those contributions recommended by the Seminar program committee and only those from participants who have paid will be placed in the book of contributions.
  3. Contribution content and deadline:
    the entire page of annotation (it is possible to include pictures and sources), will be printed in the summary annotation, (Czech or English) and the text of your contribution in English language, max 10 pages in total, (file of 1 MByte max.) till April 8, 1999 on E-mail (or through a disk) in MS Word editor (HTML) including pictures, diagrams, references.
  4. Annotation and contribution layouts:
    annotations and contributions must be strictly worked out with the help of prepared templates without changes in style format etc.
    Template for the entire page of annotation in Czech (anotace.zip).
    Template for the entire page of annotation in English (anotation.zip).
    Template for the contribution (sablona.zip).
  5. The electronic book of contributions will be converted into HTML format and worked out for presentation in Internet network environment, then it will be available from the web page. The look of the contribution after its conversion (without other interventions) into HTML format is documented by the text of the template (Czech version).
  6. Please, use the Internet (E-mail), to communicate with the organisation committee of the conference and to send the documents.

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Initial invitations made for the Seminar February 2, 1999
Closing of contribution applications March 15, 1999
Verification of contribution acceptance March 26, 1999
Closing of annotations and contributions sent April 8, 1999
Payment of participation fees April 8, 1999
STOČ'99 Competition April 28, 1999
ASŘ'99 Seminar April 29, 1999

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International program committee

National program committee

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© 1999, Radim Farana